President Harry Truman is quoted as saying, “I always read the King James Version, not one of those damn new translations that they’ve got out lately” (p. 231, Plain Speaking, an Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman). ...
More ArticlesRalph Woodrow, evangelist and author, has written many books over the years. His catalog lists books that are available for purchase. And, some books are FREE!
Book CatalogA few weeks ago, the following letter was sent by regular mail to the mailing list. This mailing included a gift copy of my 64-page book “WOMEN’S ADORNMENT—What Does the Bible Really Say?”. The offer is now being extended through this website. You may request a copy by one of the following ways: (email)
(760) 327-6049 (phone)
Or, by writing to me at:
Ralph Woodrow Evangelistic Association
PO Box 21
Palm Springs, CA 92263
— Ralph Woodrow